13 YunXingYuShi 雲行雨施

Moving Clouds Make Rain

VI: The Lovers

This one goes out to all

The Lovers from Crowley & Harris's Thoth Tarot

So, yeah. The meaning of this movement as described in the book is... uhh... unexpectedly spicy.

And to be honest, I don't really get it? This movement lacks the unignoreable sensuality of, for example, of LiDiBaiWei 立地擺尾 – Tiger Wags Its Tail or ErLongXiZhu 二龍戲珠 – Double Dragons Play with the Pearl (next Jie Qi).

But the hooded figure in this card appears to literally be performing the movement, so the correspondence is obvious.

Now that I pay closer attention, there's something distinctly clitoral about this mysterious officiant, throwing the Sign of the Enterer.

And if I squint, the YunXingYuShi movement itself sort of mirrors the clitoris's internal body, its wishbone shape.


Continuing the theme of mirroring or reflection between Laohu Gong and the Tarot, this movement follows rather than precedes its result, Art.

This card is attributed to Gemini (again, reflection) mirroring Art's Sagittarius across the Zodiac.

In my experience the averred sexiness of this movement manifests much more strongly in the movements that follow it.

Maybe is it a wedding that sets the stage.