13 YunXingYuShi 雲行雨施
Moving Clouds Make Rain
If you know what I mean
"The Chinese concept of clouds and rain contains sexual connotations: clouds and rain, a Chinese traditional synonym for intercourse, is the way of giving birth to new life. In traditional Chinese literature, intercourse is likened to clouds – clouds are the Qi that is produced when heaven and earth embrace, while ejaculation is equivalent to the bursting of the clouds, bringing forth fertilizing rain."
"Tigers are known to vocalize most vigorously when mating or fighting over a mate. As Yang creatures, tigers exhibit sexual prowess and their body parts are treasured aphrodisiacs. Tigers have frequent intercourse, climaxing in a dramatic ejaculation when the male tiger roars and bites his partner’s neck. This movement is the intercourse of Yin and Yang – a pattern of harmony."
-- Master Wu
OK, wow, uhhh. Things have gotten rather abruptly sexy. 🥵
To be honest, I'm not actually getting the intense sexiness of this movement? The movements immediately following this one, ErLongXiZhu 二龍戲珠 – Double Dragons Play with the Pearl and TiHuGuanDing 醍醐灌頂 – Heavenly Dew Purifies the Body feel like they have way more sexual energy moving through them.
So maybe this is the leading edge of a series?
I don't know, I feel like I'm missing something important here.
Maybe there's a clue in this direction from Master Wu:
"You are bringing the heavenly energy to earth and connecting heaven and earth. It is important not to loosen your arms as they move down; you must hold the energy. Keep your head upright and your upper body straight during the movement."
and perhaps I should pay closer attention to the breathing instruction:
"Breathe in while you hold your hands at the top for a moment; then exhale, and relax as your hands move down."
I often get the sense that the movements of LaoHu Gong are like a densely encoded somatic library. That the meanings are compressed and folded around each other and that they unfold through practice. That there are multiple strata of kinesthetic and energetic meaning layered or superimposed on each other.
I think there also might be hints in the Tarot mapping: The Lovers