6 ShenJianZhanXie 神劍斬邪

Spiritual Sword Kills the Demon

Scissor Sister

Adjustment from Crowley & Harris's Thoth Tarot

This is the first movement that when I learned it I was like "Wait, this reminds me of something."

I got a very clear feeling of this card. Something about the scissoring action of the arms, the Spiritual Sword, the ruthlessness of Justice, the balance.

Scissors are like a scale. They balances the force of thumb and index finger, working in opposition. The the cutting point where the blades meet is exquisitely balanced, balanced by motion, like a bicycle.

The Severity of this movement, the cutting in order to bring back into balance, return to center, to the ready position. To cut apart what has become inappropriately entangled, to allow a new engagement from recovered integrity, mutual regard.

Once I saw this, I had to know what the other movements were, what the other cards were.

I had to know this masked figure.