4 DanDanChuDong 眈眈出洞

Tiger Emerges from the Cave

More than any move, this one makes me feel like a wizard atop his tower.

The Magus from Crowley & Harris's Thoth Tarot

There is a whirling and extension to infinity, sight, like a hawk.

"DanDan means glare, gaze, stare. Eyes represent the spiritual windows of the soul. When we start our practice, we are opening the spiritual windows to connect with the outer world and to learn the universal way."

"This movement is the pattern of the tiger’s eyes – open and staring fiercely."

-- Master Zhongxian Wu

This card is all sight lines and vision. Parabolic, the arc of gravity, of space's curve.

I turn, hand outstretched. I am holding everything I see in the palm of my hand.

I hold the elements lightly, a juggler, mutable, transmuting, everything is in motion, dancing.

"Tiger needs 'breathing space' and the freedom to roam and defend vast territories. This movement is a symbol for open space or an open heart."

"In Qigong practice, one can learn how to open the spiritual windows of the Heart-Mind, not merely remain in the small cave of our familiar existence."

-- Master Zhongxian Wu

I turn and sweep the horizon. Everywhere I see, there I go.