17 JingTaoHuiDang 錦濤回蕩

Colorful Wave Cleanses the Spirit

VII: The Chariot

shuck out the jive
bring in the love

The Chariot from Crowley & Harris's Thoth Tarot

The hands in this movement remind me a bit of a crab's claws, the feeling of that Cancerian care. There can be a protective fierceness to Cancer, but here we are inside the shell, filtering through water, purifying, nourishing.

The Grail in this card is more at the armored figure's lower DanTian, but its red blood feels heart centered, sun on the horizon to me.

The wheels turn slow, describing a sine wave motion.

The Chariot always feels paradoxically fixed to me. It has columns. It is rooted to the ground. It's not rattling across a battlefield, it's fixed, like a throne. Like the Princes' Chariot/Thrones.

There's something compelling about this feeling of motion and stasis here that speaks to me of the eternal. The world is a wheel of activity, but it contains everything, including time. So it is all one piece and isn't going anywhere.

That's nice, somehow.

Like standing on a beach, watching the waves roll in

and rush back out.