4 DanDanChuDong ηœˆηœˆε‡Ίζ΄ž

Tiger Emerges from the Cave

DanDanChuDong is one of my favorite moves. I know, you're not supposed to have favorites.

I love it.

I practice on the roof of a 6 story building. The sky is huge. I have a view of downtown skyscrapers on my right, the lake, the neighborhood, the hills, with clouds and stars and planets moving through it all.

There's a flourish to this movement, where the hand in front of you at the end of LiDiBaiWei settles to stillness and then everything turns like a wheel and there is this extension to infinity.

Beyond the horizon.

I feel like that tiger, emerging from his mountain cave, surveying his domain, everything between sky and earth.

I have this projection -- in HongMengYiQi there is vertical connection to heaven and earth, but this is horizontal. It's directed by me. It feels like intent.

Stillness, then a slow turn, sweeping the horizon 180 degrees.

There is infinity in the lower hand, which feels to me holding a large sphere before or around the lower DanTian. Both are alive. The outstretched arm is so dramatic, but don't allow your lower arm to drop from awareness.

I feel intuitively that there is a dramatic tension between the curve and the line that is the source of the power in this move.

There is a power of gaze. Of connection with the land and sky as around me in contrast to above and below me.

I look out and see what the day offers.