3 LiDiBaiWei 立地擺尾

Tiger Wags Its Tail

"free your ass and your mind will follow"

-- @embryosophy

It took me a while to really get this movement because I was distracted by the hands.

Master Wu has this very flappy hand thing he does in the video, and for me, I feel for that movement. The front hand is in the middle of your field of vision. It's very attention grabbing.

It's not what this movement is about.

LiDiBaiWei is all about the belly, the hips.

Master Wu writes

"Focus on your tailbone. The tailbone is the end of the spine and is the secret source of our life power. Breathe out and shake your tailbone. Allow your body to move with your tailbone."

When I focused on the hands, the movement was stiff, like a dead tree.

When I focused on the hips, it was awkward, a shy kid at a school dance.

Focusing on the tailbone, focusing on the imaginary tiger's tail, feeling how it moves in a S curve, everything else followed from it in this beautiful peristaltic movement like a river's course, flowing through the body.

This movement is associated with the Large Intestine meridian, which is rooted in the belly, rises through the torso and then travels up the side of the face and out the arm to the index finger.

The meridian describes the propagation of this wave from the belly out to the hands.

Be aware of the whole.

Follow the tail.