17 JingTaoHuiDang 錦濤回蕩

Colorful Wave Cleanses the Spirit

we dream of a ship
that sails away
a thousand miles away

"Jing means colorful, brocade. Tao means wave, tide. Hui means return. Dang means wash away, rush. This movement symbolizes purification, as in the ocean having the ability to purify the land. Here, we are returning again to the emotion and spiritual layers of the body to purify on a deeper layer. The golden color of the tide is produced from the shining sun. The reflecting water becomes a symbol for Shen or spirit."

-- Master Wu

This sense of sun on water, of the golden hour, of waves rolling in, rushing back out across sand.

It feels like washing up on a long sought shore, of homecoming, of a deep contentment.

There is an echo of TiHuGuanDing 醍醐灌頂 – Heavenly Dew Purifies the Body, but where TiHuGuanDing is vertical, Lunar, this is horizontal, Solar. It flows from the heart.

It's repetitive, like waves. TiHuGuanDing, I only need once. This movement I repeat until I feel like I have reached a sort of equilibrium, an osmotic balance.

A sunset lasts a short moment, but is somehow eternal. The sun is always setting, always rising, always reflected in the water.