am I a Buddhist?

no? I mean maybe Buddhism is something I do rather than something I am.

the idea of identifying as a Buddhist seems contrary to the whole project.


dunno, isn't there some kind of vow or something? I feel weird about that. my practice is informal and there is deep beauty to me in its fluid spontaneity.


sure, why not?


yes. but I am also a Witch. and a pantheist mystic. and a Thelemite. and a SubGenius. and a Unitarian Universalist.

these are all lenses

becoming more intentional about lenses, ways of looking; being deliberate and skillful in fabrication of perception is essential to my understanding and practice of Buddhism.

when I say "these are lenses" I mean each of my modes of meditative, magical, and religious practice: Witch, Pan, θέλημα, SubG, UU

but I also mean each of these answers to the question: no, dunno, sure, yes