
each Aeon has a magical formula

Mother Aeon: gestation (gaia, song, tribe)
Father Aeon: insemination (prophesy, text, city)
Baby Aeon: self-organization (network, ai, embryo)

WE ARE HERE -> superimposition of the death of the Father Aeon and the birth of the Baby Aeon


the magical formula is an answer to the questions

"where does the world come from?"


"where does consciousness come from?"

which are the same question

The Aeon are the implications of each answer applied to the Person, the World, Life

if you are alive and understand what is happening, you are called to help the old Aeon die with as little harm to people as possible, preserving as much good as possible, while protecting the new Aeon and ensuring it a healthy childhood.

people who are still identified with the old pattern will start to behave more and more dangerously as the pattern realizes it is already dead and panics, enters its death throes. give them space, as you would a mortally wounded animal.

fear has them.

seek out other people who are identified with the new pattern and self-organize, harmonizing with its emergent structure.

I cannot promise safety, but it will definitely be more fun than lashing yourself to a dying god.